About Colin Mills

Growing up, my mom used to call me "question Collie" as I always needed to know why things worked and I was never quite satisfied with the simple answer.

About Colin Mills
Prospect Park with Nala

Who I am and where am I from

Hi all! A little bit about me...

Growing up, my mom used to call me "question Collie" as I always needed to know why things worked and I was never quite satisfied with the simple answer. Although my very patient mother would take the time to answer each of these requests, I also had to learn patience as she couldn't spend all day answering questions.

I was born in raised in Bozeman, MT – a constantly growing town that draws in those who love the outdoors and a vibrant community. Growing up here, I learned a variety of "real-world" skills such as starting fires, navigating using cardinal directions, and how to build a deck. The nearly limitless outdoors with some of the best ski hills in the country kept me outside in warm or cold weather. This upbringing instilled in me the values of friendliness, inquisitiveness, and resourcefulness.

Much to my dismay, these "real-world" skills weren't nearly as applicable as I had hoped they would be when I moved to Washington, D.C. I remember the first time I told someone I was standing at the west entrance of a building – they responded by asking how would they possibly know which way that was?

On the other hand, as the small-town boy in the big city, I jumped on all the new opportunities that had never been presented to me before. I found myself organizing concerts, working in a bustling college bar, and traveling internationally. My passion for interacting with others and seeing the world led me to each of these endeavors. Beyond this, I excelled in my Computer Science courses and relished that I had finally found an area that could satiate my question-asking and problem-solving brain.

Now, as a young adult living in Brooklyn NY, I continue to spend my exploring as much as possible. I am planning my next big step by trying my hand in real estate investing.

What I am doing

My curiosity used to override my best judgment as I kept taking apart and ( occasionally failing to) reassemble my mom's pens and other trinkets. I had the insatiable need to understand how everything works.

This curiosity has grown into a passion. My first semester in college led me to a computer science class. Immediately I was hooked and needed to know how to make a computer work for me. As my studies progressed this became much more complex; I dove into algorithm analysis, data structures, and more. This has now landed me in New York City as a remote software engineer.

However, my passion has not stopped with my technical ambitions. For as long as I can remember I have loved HGTV shows where they can recreate a rundown home into something amazing. I love the DIY and tangible aspect of this work. I now spend my freetime exploring for the perfect deal to punch my ticket in the real estate game.

Where I am going

My mission is to never stop learning so that I can utilize my evolving skill set to succeed in whichever passion I pursue. Currently, I am exploring ways to combine my technical expertise with my real estate ambitions.