My Projects

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

Daily Debrief Notification Service

This is one of my favorite projects I have ever done. It creates an automated solution to aggregate news information into one source and then sends it out to the user in their preferred format: email, text, or tweets.


This repo contains code that I have written implementing various algorithms and data structures.

Of note:


This repo showcases my programming skills on the fly as I solve LeetCode problems.

Of note:

Multi-Threaded Text-Based Client and Server

Java implementation using SocketServer to bind to a port and extends Runnable to pass threads off to their own run space.

UML Class Diagram of Chat Program
UML Class Diagram of Chat Program

Maxwell's Demon Game

Java game exploring event-driven programming.

Class Diagram of Maxwell's Demon
Class Diagram of Maxwell's Demon